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Dear traceurs.

my name is Ioannis, living in Vienna the last year - working quite long hours and when I am not, I enjoy swimming and walking around the city.. :)

I am tracing my first baby steps in Parkour, getting really interested in Hebert Methode Naturelle (I can't find a really good translation in English, any help with that?) and deploying one's shelf through the city or the nature.

I joined the forum, trying to find people with the same interest and ethics, that we can train together and share these ideas...Hope I can find the free Sunday and join soon one of the meetings.



p.s. As I noticed in my last post, I hope English is not a problem for the forum, though my understanding of German is pretty good :)

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nice to have you here... Looking forward to a forum-meeting with you :)

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Welcome :)

If you are also out for some parkour related strength-workout, join the Evening Madness every Thursday

Have a good start and stay save :)

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Gegründet im Sommer 2004, online seit 01/2006. ist das read-only Archiv der größten Parkour-Plattform im deutschsprachigen Raum und Grundstein der österreichischen Community.
Seit 2021 ist die aktive Community-Plattform. bietet geleitete Trainings/Workshops und ist die Anlaufstelle, für professionelle Anfragen.