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[Google] Titanfall DLC screenshots show pilot parkour across tall trees and neon shapes - PC Gamer Magazine

PC Gamer Magazine

Titanfall DLC screenshots show pilot parkour across tall trees and neon shapes

PC Gamer Magazine

Walls? Robots? Trees? The pilots of Titanfall don't care what surface they're clinging to, as long as it offers maximum potential for headshots, explosions, or a wicked cool jump onto an enemy Titan's unprotected head dome. That's the lesson to be ...

'Titanfall' Expedition DLC News: New Screens For 'Parkour Playground' WAR ...Gamenguide

Now that's an Expedition: Titanfall DLC screenshots promise treetop parkourPCGamesN

'TitanFall' (ALL) Expedition DLC Details Runoff Map -


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