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[PkGenerations] Special January Membership Offer

<img src=""alt="blog-Sofia-020115" title="blog-Sofia-020115" class="imagecache imagecache-revamp_post_640 imagecache-default imagecache-revamp_post_640_default" width="640" height="640" />

<p>Now that the new year has started, it's back to work! The <a href="">Chainstorehas reopened for business</a>, classes are back on starting today and we have an offer for those of you that are jumping into 2015! For the month of January we are offering a special discount code for <a href="">Chainstore</a> membership: use the code JUMP2015 when signing up and get 10% off for the duration of your term. Get your Gold or Platinum membership before <a href="">Winterval</a> on January 11th and benefit from the 10% discount on events!</p><p>Happy training!</p>

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