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[PkGenerations]Yamakasi Event: Paris, May 16-18

rssIcon.gif Yamakasi Event: Paris, May 16-18

On May 17 and 18 our good friends and colleagues the Yamakasi Founders, now found at Majestic Force are running a huge open event in Paris, which will include hard training at 3 famous spots in the city plus some demos and extra tid-bits thrown in. Attendance is FREE, and anyone bringing a sleeping bag will also get FREE ACCOMMODATION in a gym set aside for the purpose by the Paris authorities. The Parkour Generations Team have been invited to assist and we will all be there, along with some of the most experienced traceurs from all over the world. Some very significant announcements will be made at the event, which should be an incredible experience for all. Don't miss it! More news soon, and more information can be found here.

Publish Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 02:18:10 GMT


Source: ParkourGenerations RSS Feed

Description: Latest news on

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