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[APK-News]How To Begin Parkour - If You Are Past Your Prime

rssIcon.gif How To Begin Parkour - If You Are Past Your Prime

From Laurie Jennifer:

A friend of mine from college emailed me out of the blue about wanting

to start Parkour. Well into her thirties with two kids, and very much

the quiet, reserved type, I was both excited and totally surprised.

But more and more this has been happening to me: unlikely people

get brave and curious.

So, I pieced together an article designed specifically for such

demographics, to encourage them and make training Parkour seem doable

and fun.

Read more for the great article!

Category: Articles - Informative

Publish Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 07:06:52 +0100


Source: American Parkour

Description: American Parkour syndication

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