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[APK-News]March 28th - Beginner Workshop - Rochester, New Y

rssIcon.gif March 28th - Beginner Workshop - Rochester, New York

Rochester Parkour is planning their second Beginner’s Parkour workshop. This is a free introduction, designed to inform and educate anyone interested in practicing Parkour. It’s targeted towards beginners, but more experienced members of the community are encouraged to come as well.

They will be covering the basics of Parkour, including an introduction to proper conditioning, landings and precision jumps, quadrupedal movement, and basic vaulting. Rochester Parkour also emphasizes an importance on safety and slow, progressive training methodologies in all of their events and training sessions.

They encourage anyone interested in Parkour to attend. Whether it’s your first time out, or you’re already an experienced traceur, you’re sure to learn something - or at least have a good time!

Read more for the details.

Category: Upcoming Events - Upcoming Events

Publish Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 13:54:48 +0100


Source: American Parkour

Description: American Parkour syndication

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