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[APK-News]Parkour Is... A Philisophical Look

rssIcon.gif Parkour Is... A Philisophical Look

American Parkour loves to hear what the community thinks. A few days ago, a member (who prefered to remain anonymous) sent in this, his philisophical take on what parkour is. According to this user, Parkour is...

Parkour is a way of life. It allows you to explore endless

opportunities in life and discover meaning. It gives you something to

look forward to experiencing after school, work etc. Parkour also helps

one make decisions both physical and mental. It gives you a chance to

forget about everything going on around you and lets you focus on your

surroundings. It also lets you focus on your weaknesses and learn to

either subdue or overcome them. Parkour allows you to be free both in

the physical and mental sense and in doing so helps you see life as

never before. Finally it gives you the ability to “Be strong to be


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Category: Philosophy - Philosophy

Publish Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2009 08:28:06 +0100


Source: American Parkour

Description: American Parkour syndication

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