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[APK-News]A Jump, A Breath, A Thought

rssIcon.gif A Jump, A Breath, A Thought

James Scrambles DiLorenzo writes...

Parkour has had a pretty significant influence on my life and I feel

like I should show you guys this as a little thank you... I'm a senior

in high school, applying to college this year. I decided to write my

essay about parkour. A lot of the inspiration for this came from APK,

and I think this is probably the first piece of writing in my life that

I've been truly proud of. I don't know how good the essay is, I

haven't gotten into college yet. Thanks for the inspiration.

The wind rocked my body, tugging at my legs in a ceaseless attempt to

send me tumbling off my perch. I was standing atop a wall, staring

across the ground at my target: a thin, iron handrail seven feet away.

This was not the first time I attempted to cross this obstacle. The

drop wouldn’t be far if I missed, only about four feet or so, and I

could probably roll to absorb the impact of the fall. But ‘probably’ is

uncertain, and my mind still battled with the primitive,

life-preserving fear of injury.

Great essay, James, and good luck with college!

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Category: Creative Writing - Creative Writing

Publish Date: Sun, 01 Nov 2009 08:19:44 +0100


Source: American Parkour

Description: American Parkour syndication

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