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[APK-News]2.26.10 - Not-So-Freerunner Told to Run in Public

rssIcon.gif 2.26.10 - Not-So-Freerunner Told to Run in Public

A Christchurch 17-year-old has been told to rein in his free-running, or at least do it in public places.

The common case of beware and mindful of where you train.The Press ( covers this article about how a 17-year-old was doing two things that everyone in the parkour community discourage: training in high places and on roofs, and training in private and No-Trespassing areas. Because of this he has a $400 fine to pay. As a practitioner, you have a responsibility to be respectful of where you train. Check out the full article here. (

I moved this story to the frontpage as it is an issue that affects us all, and a reminder that we all need to train respectfully of the places and ways in which we train. The world is not ready for us yet, and how we each act every time we train determines how we will be viewed in years to come. -M2

Written by Knox (component/option,com_comprofiler/task,userProfile/user,22282/Itemid,217/)

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Category: Parkour and Freerunning in the News - Parkour and Freerunning in the News

Publish Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 14:57:15 +0100


Source: American Parkour

Description: American Parkour syndication

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