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[APK-News]Outmaneuver the Motion

rssIcon.gif Outmaneuver the Motion

Started out just making another yearly sampler where I'd pick a song, shoot some clips and post it up as a visual reminder of where I was at as well as to show others where I was, not only for people to enjoy but also for constructive criticism. Time kind of rolled around where I usually get my yearly sampler out and I just didn't feel very motivated, was stuck doing a lot of conditioning stuff and coaching predominantly without a whole lot of personal training, and I didn't really feel like I'd had a whole lot of progression at the time... (read more!).

- Jereme Sanders

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Category: The News - Latest

Publish Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 00:00:00 +0100


Source: American Parkour

Description: American Parkour syndication

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