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[PkGenerations]Class Discount Cards!

rssIcon.gif Class Discount Cards!

As of May 1st, we will be releasing our new Gold and Silver Membership Cards for the London Academy classes - these cards grant unlimited access to all Parkour Generations Academy Classes for one month at a big discount; the Silvercard granting access to all indoor classes and the Goldcard being usable for absolutely any class, indoor or outdoor. The cards will be on sale online at our Store or you can pick them up in person from us at one of the classes. Each card runs for one month from the date of the first class you use it for, with the possibility of huge savings on training. The Silvercard will be launched at the price of £30 and the Goldcard at £60 - we'll have them on the Store very soon so keep checking back ;)

Publish Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 22:00:04 GMT


Source: ParkourGenerations RSS Feed

Description: Latest news on

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