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[PkGenerations]Spiked in ASDA

rssIcon.gif Spiked in ASDA

SPIKED is pleased to announce that the Parkour and Actions Sports lifestyle magazine is now available within ASDA Stores.

This is another great acheivement and proof that the SPIKED brand is continuing to grow. The key message around the SPIKED brand is that of inclusion, highlighting that action sports are available to anyone, at any age, at any level

Please find a list HERE of all the Asda stores stocking the magazine. If you don't see the magazine in you're Local Super Market / Newsagents then it can now easily be ordered in so please don't be hesitant to ask the shop assistant. Alternatively it's still available via the website (click on hotspot link on homepage), where you can order your copy online and have it delivered to your door. SPIKED is now shipped to over 20 countries.

Publish Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2010 15:03:39 GMT


Source: ParkourGenerations RSS Feed

Description: Latest news on

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