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[APK-News]From the Vault: An Approach to Proper Running

rssIcon.gif From the Vault: An Approach to Proper Running

Parkour has many fundamental techniques involved in it. When someone lists these, perhaps they mention things like vaults, precisions, and breathing properly. However, most overlooked is the most fundamental technique of all: running. In 2008, Charles Moreland wrote us an amazingly comprehensive article on the way to properly run. Check out the article and improve your technique here (content/view/2064/378/)! Submitted by Dale McNewNew! Write your own Content (index.php?option=com_content task=new sectionid=49 Itemid=472) on APK! Submit your news to (

Category: The News - Latest

Publish Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 00:00:00 +0100


Source: American Parkour

Description: American Parkour syndication

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