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[APK-News]APK Heads to India

rssIcon.gif APK Heads to India

APK has been invited to perform and teach Parkour and Freerunning in India! Mark Toorock will be the Marshal of a Marathon in Guwahati, and will speak at a technology conference, TECHNICHE ( . The conference is jam packed with some of the coolest stuff on the planet. In the meantime, Travis, Frosti, Jereme, Ryan, Knox and Justin will be blowing people away at performances and the whole crew will be doing seminars at both locations. Hellen Campos and Meredith Andrichak will be along to capture all the action. Read more for a description of techniche. As a bonus, our good friend NOS has arranged for the India National Jam to take place on Sept 7th so we could all attend - Thanks NOS!!

Submitted by M2

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Category: The News - Latest

Publish Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 22:00:00 +0100


Source: American Parkour

Description: American Parkour syndication

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