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[APK-News]Art of Motion - Why It's not News

rssIcon.gif Art of Motion - Why It's not News

The RedBull Art of Motion tour is not being highlighted on APK. While it is definitely news in the Parkour and Freerunning communities, APK has taken a firm stance against energy drinks - those with caffeine and other hype substances -as opposed to sports drinks. This is a tough decision for us as it has meant turning down money and opportunities, but it is one we will stick with. At APK our goal is to foster a healthy growth of parkour, and a relationship between parkour and that which is healthy and good for you. We feel that pairing the image of energy drinks and people jumping off stuff simply gives the wrong impression, especially to the youth to whom these drink s are marketed so agressivley and successfully. If you want to do parkour well, drink water, lots of it, and train hard.

Submitted by M2

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Category: The News - Latest

Publish Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 22:00:00 +0100


Source: American Parkour

Description: American Parkour syndication

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