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[APK-News]Happy Halloween from APK and the Tribe!

rssIcon.gif Happy Halloween from APK and the Tribe!

APK, The Tribe ( , and Primal Fitness ( all wish you a very Happy Halloween. We just gave away over $500 worth of APK gear! congrats to Kevin Hayes, Terral fox, Colin Hutchens, Jon Greggory, Scott Berson, Laura Boehme, Alex Cosentino, Gene Park, Tommy Taylor Greg Fails and finally Sam Howells of Primal Fitness who made the featured Tribe-O-Lantern.They all won $50 coupons for the APK Store (store) so they can get the coolest Parkour Clothing on the planet!

Click on the Bottom image to save it as a desktop for your pc, and be sure to LIKE us on Facebook ( to be part of the next give-away!

(images/stories/2010/10-30_Pumpkins/Tribe-O-Lantern_Desktop.jpg) (

Category: The News - Latest

Publish Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 22:00:00 +0100


Source: American Parkour

Description: American Parkour syndication

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