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[PkGenerations]Youth Sport Trust to Use Parkour

rssIcon.gif Youth Sport Trust to Use Parkour

Today Dan, Forrest and Blane will be in Manchester delivering workshops and presenting the discipline of parkour at the launch event for the Matalan Sporting Promise, in partnership with the Youth Sport Trust, a nationwide project committed to getting more young people to take part in more sport. The programme aims to support primary school teachers in improving the PE experience for all children through the ‘Matalan TOP Sport’ strand. It will also re-engage young people at secondary level by giving them the opportunity to take part in non-traditional sporting activities through the ‘Matalan yoUR Activity’ strand. Year one of Sporting Promise aims to reach over 3,000 schools across England, Scotland and Wales and it will support more than 15,000 teachers across the country, allowing them to deliver Matalan Sporting Promise in their school. Parkour is one of the sports identified to be a key player in the project, and the NGB Parkour UK is fully involved in the event.

Publish Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 23:56:07 GMT


Source: ParkourGenerations RSS Feed

Description: Latest news on

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