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[PkGenerations]1000 Muscle Ups this Saturday.

rssIcon.gif 1000 Muscle Ups this Saturday.

This Saturday will play host to seven members of the Parkour Generations team attempting to do one thousand muscle ups each within a twenty four hour time limit all for a very worthy cause. The team have all been debating and discussing tactics, emotions, timings, food, music, rehab, massages and every other topic under the sun in order to be ready for the challenge, but with one looming thought that remains clear in our minds... It will be one extremely hard and unforgiving day. If you feel like you would want to find out more about the challenge then head over to the webpage here. Alternatively, we have set up a 1000MUs Facebook group HERE and HERE.

Publish Date: Tue, 07 Dec 2010 11:11:26 GMT


Source: ParkourGenerations RSS Feed

Description: Latest news on

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