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[PkGenerations]Women's Jam: Sunday 13th March - London

rssIcon.gif Women's Jam: Sunday 13th March - London

Tomorrow we are hosting our regular Women's Jam in London, this month it is happening at the Wesatbourne Park training area from 1.30pm onwards. The Women's Jams are free and open for women of all levels of ability and experience to attend, and are a great way to  meet other like-minded practitioners, exchange training ideas and methods and generally have some darn good fun... All...

Category: News

Publish Date: Saturday, March 12, 2011 - 22:23


Source: PKG Full Feed

Description: Parkour Generations Full News/Blog/Article/Challenge Feed.

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Gegründet im Sommer 2004, online seit 01/2006. ist das read-only Archiv der größten Parkour-Plattform im deutschsprachigen Raum und Grundstein der österreichischen Community.
Seit 2021 ist die aktive Community-Plattform. bietet geleitete Trainings/Workshops und ist die Anlaufstelle, für professionelle Anfragen.