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[PkGenerations]Wiltshire Parkour Academy: Calne Parkour Edi

rssIcon.gif Wiltshire Parkour Academy: Calne Parkour Edit

We have recently started the saturday Wiltshire Academy sessions, which are looking set to grow in popularity just as our London Academy classes have done. Last week Chris and Johann went down to teach and we will be mixing up the instructors to expose the students there to as many influences as possible. The Calne Parkour regulars, whom we have been teaching for coming up on two years now and who have shown great determination and enthusiasm ever since we first met them, are always at these classes and are a fine example of a young but strong growing community. The next class will be Saturday 29th, with location details posted here nearer the day. A short edit of one of the sessions run by our own Chris can be found here.

Publish Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 16:58:37 GMT


Source: ParkourGenerations RSS Feed

Description: Latest news on

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