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[PkGenerations]Weekend Wakeup at Westbourne Park.

rssIcon.gif Weekend Wakeup at Westbourne Park.

This Sunday, due to Latimer Road tube station being closed we will be moving two stations along the Hammersmith and City tube line to Westboune Park. This will be a continuous change in the schedule until the station opens up again. The Weekend Wakeup is on every Sunday from 11am until 1pm and open to all abilities of practitioner. The class cost £10 for the two hours and is run by instructors Andy and Blane. If you're planning on coming to the class, please try to be early and ready to run! See you there!

Publish Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 08:34:27 GMT


Source: ParkourGenerations RSS Feed

Description: Latest news on

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